It took me some time to find the energy and motivation to write a new blog. Time to grieve, put everything together, give it some time.

I will only write in short about what happend. It is still to painfull and it doesn’t change the situation anymore.

Verona’s pregnancy went perfectly. She was so relaxed, and looked so good. From day 61 I was with her also at night to make sure I was with her when she started. But she didn’t start…not even on day 68. Then I contacted the vet because it was about time. I had a previous experience with Fealynn who delivered at day 69, so I was still not in panic but at day 68 it is time to contact the vet. She did some ultrasounds and X-rays on day 69 and 70 and everything was fine, four beating hearts inside. But she would not intervene and convinced us that we could wait a few more days, supported by some colleagues she had asked for advice online. I was in doubt about it, very tired of all the sleepless nights, but she convinced me…
But unfortunately she was wrong. On day 71 Verona had a caesarean section and it was too late, three kittens had died and number four was alive for only a few minutes…..We were shocked.

Verona and Ganna in front of the litter box, when everything was still ok….

Heartbreaking, this in our opinion needless death of four young lives. I’ve seen them….. so intensely sad. And yes, I have blamed myself for everything, if only I had……..but nothing brings them back, you have to start dealing with it….

Fortunately, Verona recovered quickly from the cesarean section and she seemed ok after the first days when she was a bit restless and looking for her babies….poor thing.

Poor and brave Verona, a few days after her scesarean.

It took John and me some time to decide what to do…stop breeding or maybe try again. It was a real rollercoaster for a while but slowly I got to the point where I want to try again. Verona and Ganna are such a sweet couple, it would be such a shame not to have at least one litter with them. We hope we can give it another try later this autumn.

What else happened….in June we worked very hard to fence off the garden. The furries now have more than 600 square meters at their disposal. It still needs to be furnished a bit further, but in the meantime they have at least one of the playground equipment that they had in Holland and we had brought over to Austria.

Didi studies the first contours of their new outdoor paradise

A lot of meters to go….

Verona and Ganna on their returned playground equipment
Didi relaxing….

Another heavy thing we had to deal with in july and early august was the extreme weather in our area. Many places in the world had to deal with extrem weather this summer but the striking thing here was that it took three-four weeks. From mid July there where storms and supercells almost every day, quite scary sometimes! And in the first weekend of August so much rain fell that it led to massive floods with a lot of damage on roads, houses etc. In Slovenia, only a few miles from here the damage was really dramatic in some villages, it will take years before everthing is reconstructed.

A supercell approaching our little village. Luckily we had no damage but later on this one caused a lot of trouble in Zagreb, Croatia.
The flood in our village on August 4-5.

Since a few weeks the real summer has finally started and we made some lovely trips in Austria, Slovenia and Italy, there is so much to discover….

A beautiful view of Italy from the Dobratsch near Villach
The amazing Vršič-pass in Slovenia

We hope that summer will last a little longer before we start autumn. Later in the autumn, in October or November, we hope that Verona will be in heat and we can look forward to a new litter ❤ ❤ ❤